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The Eye Spine ConnectionMuch research has been done on the connection between the cervical spine and vision problems.

Q:  I was a forceps baby, and I’ve always wondered if this could have caused the eyesight problems I’ve had since childhood.  Is this possible?
A:  It is not only entirely possible, but highly probable that a forceps delivery could have caused your vision problems.

Traumatic Birth Syndrome (TBS) accounts for a majority of health problems seen by chiropractors – not only in children, but also in adults.

Some authorities feel that as many as 85-95% of past births were “traumatic” enough to cause spinal problems (keep in mind that we’re talking newborns – it doesn’t take much) and it can cause nerve flow problems resulting in altered growth and development.

Much research has been done on the connection between the cervical spine and vision problems. Most of this research was done by an ophthalmologist from Australia, Dr. Frank Gorman, who studied the effects of vertebral subluxation correction on sight improvement – with excellent results.

If you are wondering about your eyesight, have Dr. Terri Bonner check you for the presence of a vertebral subluxation in the upper part of your spine that may be affecting your eyesight.


Visit us today to see how chiropractic can help you!

We understand the importance of chiropractic care for the whole family and have created an ideal healing environment for all family members. We use advanced technology to objectively measure the relationship between your spine and nervous system.

- Destiny Chiropractic
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